Will I Need To Have Teeth Extracted For Braces?

Some individuals can start braces right away, while others may need to take additional steps, including certain procedures outside our office, to ensure a solid foundation for their orthodontic treatment. Today, Smiles from the Hart will explain this question: Will I need to have teeth extracted before braces?


What Are Extractions?

Let’s begin by outlining the two primary types of extractions that may be needed before starting orthodontic treatment. While our team at Smiles from the Hart won’t perform these extractions, Dr. Hart will coordinate closely with a local dental professional or oral surgeon and guide you through the process.

1. Simple Extraction

  • What It Involves: This procedure is used when the tooth is visible above the gum line and can be easily accessed by a dental professional. The tooth is loosened and removed with minimal effort, usually leading to a quicker recovery than a surgical extraction.
  • Common Reasons: Simple extractions are typically needed for teeth that are damaged, decayed, or overcrowded but have fully erupted.

2. Surgical Extraction

  • What It Involves: A surgical extraction is required when a tooth is not easily accessible, often involving an incision, sectioning the tooth, or removing part of the surrounding bone.
  • Common Reasons: Surgical extractions are often necessary for wisdom teeth, teeth broken below the gum line, or teeth that have yet to erupt.


Will I Need To Have Teeth Extracted For Braces?

Will I Need An Extraction Before Braces?

It’s possible, but you likely won’t be able to determine this without the help of an orthodontist! As with every part of your personalized treatment plan, the decision about an extraction will be thoroughly discussed with Dr. Hart. Whatever we decide will be well-informed, as our office has extensive experience in managing such cases. Here are some common reasons why extractions might be recommended prior to getting braces:

  1. Crowding: If there’s not enough space in your mouth to align your teeth properly, we may recommend removing one or more teeth to create room. This is often done with premolars (bicuspids) before starting braces.
  2. Tooth Damage or Decay: Severely damaged or decayed teeth that cannot be repaired may need to be extracted before orthodontic treatment begins.
  3. Facial Aesthetics: Extractions can be recommended to enhance facial proportions and symmetry, providing a more balanced appearance in a relatively short period.
  4. Impacted Teeth: Teeth that haven’t fully erupted or are trapped in the jawbone can interfere with orthodontic treatment by blocking the movement of other teeth. X-rays will help identify impacted teeth, which may be addressed early, sometimes before wisdom teeth extractions.
  5. Alignment and Bite Issues: In certain cases, extractions are advised to correct severe bite problems such as overbite, underbite, or crossbite. Removing specific teeth can improve overall alignment and significantly enhance your bite, especially if some teeth are protruding.


The Process of Extraction

At Smiles from the Hart, we are dedicated to making sure our patients are well-prepared for every step of their treatment, including any necessary extractions. Here’s a quick overview of what the extraction process might involve as part of your broader orthodontic journey:

  1. Assessment and Recommendation
  • Evaluation: Dr. Hart and our team will assess whether extractions are necessary based on your dental structure and orthodontic goals. If extractions are deemed beneficial for your treatment, we will move forward with the planning process.
  1. Coordination with Oral Surgeons or General Dentists
  • Referral: We will refer you to an oral surgeon or your general dentist for the extraction, depending on what’s appropriate. You can trust that you’ll receive excellent care throughout the procedure.
  • Communication: Smiles from the Hart will maintain close communication with your dental care team to ensure the extractions are aligned with and support your overall orthodontic treatment plan.
  1. Post-Extraction Care
  • Monitoring: After the extraction, whether simple or surgical, we will carefully monitor your recovery to ensure you have enough healing time before continuing orthodontic treatment.
  • Treatment Planning: Once healed, your progress will be incorporated into your orthodontic treatment plan to help you achieve your beautiful new smile!


Will I Need To Have Teeth Extracted For Braces?

Starting Out With Success

We understand that the idea of having teeth removed can be intimidating, but we hope this blog has helped clarify why it may be a crucial step for some patients. If an extraction is needed, rest assured that we will manage it with the utmost care and precision.

Smiles from the Hart is recognized throughout Tennessee for delivering outstanding treatment outcomes, and we’re excited to be a part of your orthodontic journey! Whether you’re a new or returning patient, we look forward to seeing you soon.